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Thursday, September 20

10:30am EDT

APIs, Chains, and Graphs — [php]
Let's face it, REST APIs can be problematic, and hypermedia hasn't quite proven to be the answer we've looked for. GraphQL has quickly become more popular offering a solution to the problems REST created - but opens back up the very problems REST was created to avoid (remember SOAP?). But what if there was a way to take the best of both: enter API chains. In this session we'll take a look at the pros and cons of REST, GraphQL, and a new specification and library for chaining numerous resource calls into a single HTTP request.

avatar for Mike Stowe

Mike Stowe

Developer Relations, RingCentral
Author of Undisturbed REST, Michael Stowe has spoken at conferences around the world. An active advocate for creating better architectures and interfaces, his work has also been featured on ProgrammableWeb, DZone, and InfoQ. You can view his past talks and slides at http://www.mikestowe.com/slides... Read More →

Thursday September 20, 2018 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
Banquette Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

11:30am EDT

Shipping Better Software Faster, and Having Fun Doing It — [php]
Software Engineering can be extremely difficult and maddening. But it doesn't have to be. We will explore leveraging various principles to make Software Engineering fun again. We'll make a case for "Better Code" fueling "Faster Development".

Toward building our case, we will explore 5 areas:

* Bad Code vs Agility - What it means to be "Agile" and the impact of Bad Code on Agility.
* Better Code: Enablers - Enabling Concepts for Better Code such as TDD, Clean Code and Patterns, with an eye toward adapting them to various programming paradigms such as Functional and OOP.
* Empowering OOP - If OOP is to be chosen as a paradigm, we'll explore what it means to play to the strengths of this paradigm.
* Web Application Architectures: When building Web Applications, we'll explore various architectures that may hinder or promote a sustainable business fueled by better code.
* TDD: Better Fuels Faster - Leveraging preceding topics, we'll put it all together in describing a workflow leveraging test-driven development for shipping better products ... faster, and having fun doing it.

The end of this talk will showcase code examples of a real-world Kata for building the service layer of a "Ride Hailing Application". It will also link to recorded Kata videos, as well as a "clean slate" branch in my git repository to follow along.

Having made this case, we'll conclude with the positive impact this workflow will have on a team's ability to ship new products and new features at a sustained pace, with high levels of predictability.

While PHP, Symfony and Doctrine are used for code examples, concepts in this talk are applicable to all PHP frameworks and environments, as well as other programming languages such as Java, PHP and C#.

avatar for Chris Holland

Chris Holland

Director, Engineering, TriNet
Chris Holland leads a small Software Engineering Team at an HR company. Throughout a career spanning more than 20 years, Chris has held Sr. Engineering and Leadership roles for small and large successful publicly-traded companies such as EarthLink and Internet Brands, serving business... Read More →

Thursday September 20, 2018 11:30am - 12:15pm EDT
Wingback Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

1:30pm EDT

Building Your First PHP Application in Docker — [php]
Whether you're just starting out or an expert PHP developer, you've probably heard the dreaded line, "Works on my machine." Docker is quickly taking hold as the answer to this problem by making virtualization faster and more flexible than ever before.

In this walk-through, we'll take a step-by-step look at exactly how to set up a PHP application using Docker. Along the way we'll explore how Docker works, why containers are an improvement over virtual machines, and how this setup can eliminate differences between local and production environments.

avatar for Karl Hughes

Karl Hughes

CTO, The Graide Network
Karl has been building software and teams for education technology startups in Chicago for the past six years. He is currently the CTO at The Graide Network where he oversees architecture, testing, and product planning.

Thursday September 20, 2018 1:30pm - 2:15pm EDT
Wingback Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

1:30pm EDT

Dr Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags — [php]
No no, not country flags, feature flags! Feature flags are a powerful technique that allows teams to modify a system's behaviour without changing code. They can be used several reasons - canary releases and A/B testing to name a few.

This talk will show you how you're already using feature flags in your application without realising it. Next, we'll take a look at some of the best tooling out there to help you take feature flags to the next level. Finally, we'll cover strategies for removing feature flags before they become technical debt that you have to manage.

avatar for Michael Heap

Michael Heap

Developer Advocate, Nexmo
Michael is a polyglot software engineer, committed to reducing complexity in systems and making them more predictable. Working with a variety of languages and tools, he shares his technical expertise to audiences all around the world at user groups and conferences.Day to day, Michael... Read More →

Thursday September 20, 2018 1:30pm - 2:15pm EDT
Banquette Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

4:00pm EDT

Pulling on the seams of dependancies (Testing older code) — [php]
Even legacy code should have test coverage.
Finding the right places to put those tests, however is really hard. How do you add support unit tests when most of your code is tightly coupled?

We'll discuss a number of strategies to find seams in your existing legacy code, which libraries make this easier and help us test more and deeper into our legacy codebases.
We also will cover valuable metrics to measure for progress, how we should approach the issue of continually improving our tests.

By the end of this talk the audience should have a better understanding of what a seam is, how to leverage them to test code, how to use mocking libraries and runtime replacement to help get better test coverage.
Most importantly we'll all walk away feeling like we can tackle refactoring and new features with confidence.

avatar for Joe Vieira

Joe Vieira

Senior Software Architect, Ovia Health
Joe Vieira is a software architect, engineering manager, and speaker with an overwhelming desire to building maintainable and easily extendable software and in many ways finds teaching other people how to do the same the most rewarding aspect of building. He's currently the Senior... Read More →

Thursday September 20, 2018 4:00pm - 4:45pm EDT
Wingback Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116
Friday, September 21

9:00am EDT

20k Lines Under the C: A Guide to the PHP Startup Process and Hooking Absolutely Everything — [php]
Have you ever wondered how super globals get initialized or been curious what happens before your code is turned into an http response? Have you ever wanted to add a new feature to PHP that you could deploy across all the applications hosted on a server? 20k Lines Under the C dives deep into the source of the PHP runtime, extension APIs, and parts that make it translate your code into web pages. We'll begin by looking at how web servers provide PHP the request information. We'll follow the startup process making stops along the way pointing out the internal structure and key parts during execution where various data is initialized and processed. Through this journey we'll learn about some of the special data types that PHP exposes and the APIs used to interact with them. Finally we'll explore the the different types of PHP integrations and explore how to insert hooks into just about everything providing ways to inspect and change the behavior.

avatar for Joe Rozner

Joe Rozner

Software Engineer, Prevoty
Joe Rozner is a software engineer at Prevoty where he has built semantic analysis tools, worked to develop new methods to more accurately detect SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and designed novel integration technology leveraging runtime patching. His focus on LangSec... Read More →

Friday September 21, 2018 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
Banquette Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

10:00am EDT

Procrastination as a Service: Caching & Queueing — [php]
In this talk, I'll convince you that your parents were wrong & procrastination is actually a best practice. I'll discuss: what caching is, what queuing is, why you (probably) don't need live data, why you should push everything off until later & how we can get our lazy on with Redis.

avatar for Lawrence Shea

Lawrence Shea

PHP Developer, Verizon Digital Media Services
I am primarily a PHP Developer, with over 6 years of real world experience. I'm always working on the bleeding edge, with modern frameworks like Laravel. I love to learn; mostly by regularly attending PHP conferences, spending time helping jr. developers & moderating Reddit's /r/PHPHelp... Read More →

Friday September 21, 2018 10:00am - 10:45am EDT
Banquette Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

11:00am EDT

Unconference Session: PHP Topics — [php]
This unconference session will be an attendee-driven community discusion for anyone interested in PHP development.

Friday September 21, 2018 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
Banquette Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116

2:00pm EDT

I Don't Care About Security (And Neither Should You) — [php]
Remember when setting up an auth system was easy? Me neither. From the signup form, the login form, password reset form, and all the validation in between it can easily take weeks if not months to get something basic up and running. Then you have to deal with all the security considerations. No thanks. During this presentation, the attendees will be introduced to OpenID and OAuth. They will learn how to leverage these technologies to create secure applications, but most importantly, they will learn why and how to delegate authorization and authentication so they can focus on their real work and forget about all that security stuff.

avatar for Joel Lord

Joel Lord

Developer Advocate, MongoDB
Joel Lord is passionate about the web and technology in general. He likes to learn new things, but most of all, he wants to share his discoveries. He does so by travelling at various conferences all across the globe. He graduated from college in computer programming in the last millennium... Read More →

Friday September 21, 2018 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
Banquette Wayfair, 4 Copley Place, 7th floor, Boston, MA 02116
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